
17句讓你的心情會變美好的話 / 17 beautiful words

阿德雷德15個必去景點 / 15 places you have to go in Adelaide

用IPAD 穿越到電影拍攝現場吧 / Travelers captured photos of famous movie locations

這位潛水夫竟然發現海底有河!! / This diver discovered a new river...under water

超可愛!!15張證明海豹就像狗狗的照片 / 15 photos that prove seals are just like dogs

4家澳洲黃金海岸必吃素食餐廳 / 4 must eat vegetarian and vegan restaurant in Gold Coast, Australia

從不同角度看14個熱門景點 / 14 famous views from a different angle

《迪士尼王國》美景創作的來源,18 個真實世界地點 /18 Breathtaking Real-Life Places That Inspired Disney Movies

研究披露塑膠微粒污染有害魚類 / Study Reveals Harm to Fish From Tiny Bit of Plastic Pollution

搭乘日本攝影師土井九郎的照相時光機,一起重返1979年的台灣 / Photos of Taiwan in 1979

【 26 個最吸睛的環保運動廣告!】最靜默無聲的畫面,最淒厲憂懼的抗議 / 26 most compelling environmental movement ads!

亂中有序的城市:從充滿活力的照片中看見河內的美與生活態度 / The city of organised chaos: Vibrant images show the beauty and pandemonium of life in Hanoi

此生一定要拜訪一次:TripAdvisor用戶評選全世界最棒的25個景點 / From Cambodia's Angkor Wat to Machu Picchu: TripAdvisor's best-rated landmarks around the world revealed

Museo Atlantico: British artist Jason deCaires Taylor creates underwater sculpture museum / 大西洋美術館:英國美術家泰勒創作位於海底的雕塑美術館

Travel Beauty Hacks:空姐的高空護膚術,常搭飛機的你不一定知道的護膚法則