Museo Atlantico: British artist Jason deCaires Taylor creates underwater sculpture museum / 大西洋美術館:英國美術家泰勒創作位於海底的雕塑美術館
British artist Jason deCaires Taylor has created a sculpture museum at the bottom of the Atlantic. Museo Atlantico is 14 metres under the surface of the water, so is accessible only to scuba divers and snorkelers.
Alongside a collection of figurative works that depict poignant global matters, the underwater gallery also comprises a sunken botanical garden, which responds to the region’s long standing relationship with art and nature.
"The Rubicon" features a collection of 35 figures that walk towards a gate spanning the seabed, the main installation features an assembly of 35 figures walking towards a gate — a point of no return, or a portal to another world. the sea of people that make up ‘the rubicon’ are meticulously sculpted and carefully carved with hyper-realistic anatomical features, appearing as lifelike human relics suddenly frozen in time.
The project creates a large scale artificial reef to aggregate local fish species.
Others are engrossed in their tabletsJason deCaires Taylor The Rubicon installation seen before the figures were submergedJason deCaires Taylor The Rubicon installation describes the march towards climate change in the underwater Museo Atlantico in Lanzarote, SpainJason deCaires TaylorSome figures are lost to the moment through their camerasJason deCaires Taylor A number of the figures walk on towards climate change with their eyes closedJason deCaires TaylorThe fine detail of the figures comes from casting them from real peopleJason deCaires TaylorThe installations had to lowered by divers onto the seabed on platformsJason deCaires Taylor A number of the figures walk on towards climate change with their eyes closedJason deCaires TaylorThe fine detail of the figures comes from casting them from real peopleJason deCaires TaylorThe installations had to lowered by divers onto the seabed on platformsJason deCaires Taylor A hybrid human cactus is part of an underwater botanical garden installation in Museo Atlantico, Lanzarote, SpainJason deCaires TaylorHuman botanical hybrid casts await their submergingJason deCaires TaylorThe golden volcanic rock backdrop of Lanzarote makes this plaster-cast hybrid cactus figure stand outJason deCaires TaylorCoral and anemones add their own artistry to Taylor's longer-established undersea installationsJason deCaires TaylorThe Viccisitudes undersea installation in Grenada, West IndiesJason deCaires TaylorMarine life swim over the cast congretationJason deCaires TaylorA starfish clothes a naked child figureJason deCaires TaylorThe artist himself couldn't have placed the marine inhabitants betterJason deCaires TaylorVivid-coloured marine encrustations invade Taylor's figureJason deCaires TaylorA shock of red sea-life mark out a figure's eye socketJason deCaires TaylorSwarms of fish have made Taylor's The Last Supper installation in Punta Nizuc, Mexico their home despite the bowl of grenadesJason deCaires TaylorA female figure from Taylor's Night installationJason deCaires TaylorMarine plants take root in Taylor's figuresJason deCaires TaylorA head cast attracts an incredible coral displayJason deCaires TaylorA sedentary figure reclining with a burger in Taylor's Inertia installation finds the television has been overtaken by coralJason deCaires Taylor文章取自自由時報ibtimes(如有不妥或侵權,請來信反應,我們會盡速處理與撤除)