攝影師花上長達 25 年的時間,以鏡頭記錄鯨魚和海豚的壯麗之美!/ Photographer Spends 25 Years Trying To Document The Majestic Beauty Of Whales And Dolphins

Christopher Swann has spent over 25 years taking majestic photographs of whales and dolphins, and as you can see from these beautiful pictures, the British photographer and cetacean enthusiast clearly has an intimate bond with these awe-inspiring marine mammals.
“I love the beauty and perfection of the sea,” Swann told mymodernmet. “Cetaceans epitomise that, and nothing is more perfect than any cetacean underwater, but whales are really special. To see animals so huge yet so graceful, so at ease and at one with their surroundings, is exquisite.” The photographer has spent years running whale and dolphin-watching holidays around the globe, but he’s decided to bid farewell to this career in order to focus exclusively on his amazing photography. Take a look at some of his stunning photography below. His pictures serve to remind us that despite their size, these tranquil creatures have the power to instill in us a remarkable sense of peace.
More info: Christopher Swann (h/t: mymodernmet)
許多人都喜歡參加賞鯨旅行,但你能想像有人居然花了 25 年時間專門拍攝這種海中巨型生物嗎?來看看攝影師 Christopher Swann 令人驚嘆的作品,你不僅會對他的攝影熱情肅然起敬,也會震懾於這些大海中巨無霸所呈現出來的和平靜謐之美~

Christopher Swann 是一位英國攝影師,與其他人不同的是,他專門拍攝非常壯觀的鯨魚和海豚照片~

Christopher Swann is a British photographer who takes majestic pictures of whales and dolphins

「過去 25 年來,我一直在到處尋找鯨魚,」他說,「這差不多是我每天都在做的工作。」

“I have been looking at whales for the last 25 years,” he says. “It is what I do almost every day”



“I love the beauty and perfection of the sea. Cetaceans epitomise that”



“Nothing is more perfect than any cetacean underwater, but whales are really special”



“To see animals so huge yet so graceful, so at ease and at one with their surroundings, is exquisite”


「我從 17 歲起就一直在海上航行(回想初航,已是 40 年前的往事了)。」

“I have been at sea sailing since I was 17 (40 years ago)”


「第一次參加賞鯨假期,是在赫布里底群島 Hebrides ,之後又到加那利群島 Canary Islands 。」

“I ran whale-watching holidays, first in the Hebrides, and then in the Canary Islands”



“I have spent all that time getting to know many species and how they react, how to get yourself in the right place, etc”



“I would love to be able to devote my time to whale photography”




“Running [whale-watching] trips means…endlessly putting other people in the perfect position for a photo while I can only watch”



“For a few years, I would like to try and take better photos, and that means I must concentrate on that”



圖片文章取自 Hidenobu Suzuki  boredpanda(如有不妥或侵權,請來信反應,我們會盡速處理與撤除