亂中有序的城市:從充滿活力的照片中看見河內的美與生活態度 / The city of organised chaos: Vibrant images show the beauty and pandemonium of life in Hanoi
*It is normal to witness tiny motorbikes whizzing through narrow alleys, precariously carrying multiple items in Hanoi
*Dubbed the 'Paris of the East', the city is famous for its artisans and merchants who sell their produce on streets
*Photographer Mate Valtr travelled to the Vietnamese capital in February to explore and document the bustling city

*Dubbed the 'Paris of the East', the city is famous for its artisans and merchants who sell their produce on streets
*Photographer Mate Valtr travelled to the Vietnamese capital in February to explore and document the bustling city
*攝影師 Mate Valtr 二月時到越南首都旅行,探索和記錄著繁華的城市
City hub: The local people of Hanoi relax and work on the streets, such as this woman wheeling her goods to sell
Community feel: The busy streets are bustling with locals eating their lunch on tiny, communal, coloured chairs
The safety policies here are very different to those in the UK, with large dangerous items being transported by bike or scooter
Everyday activities take place directly on the streets, such as this gentlemen getting his hair cut by an outside barber
Balancing act: A man drives through Hanoi with an entire tree precariously strapped onto the back of his motorbike
Specific streets deal with particular wares, such as this bamboo. Dubbed the 'Paris of the East', the city is famous for its artisans and merchants
Between the chaos, the local people find time to relax on the Hoàn Kiếm Lake, which is a popular spot in the Vietnamese city
The traditional city's buildings contrast with modern clothes worn by locals. Many garments feature well-known brands like Adidas
Hanoi is famous for its local artisans selling items such as shoes, jewellery or silk. Pictured are kids keeping themselves entertained on an electronic device
The streets are filled with locals selling food. Pictured are two women with a variety of fruit and vegetables
Passing time: Two women watch the world go by as they get their hair permed at an open salon, which is located right on the streets
Hop on: Motorbikes or bicycles are the only forms of transport in the lively city, which features many chaotic roads and alleys
Mate Valtr said: 'Even though crossing the road might sometimes seem like an act of a madman, the whole town is very comfortable'
The photographer visited the narrow streets of Vietnam's capital, witnessing this cycling girl and inquisitive dog during his stay
Daily life in Hanoi is incredibly varied, from workers selling products to those just relaxing in the heat
The locals are extremely efficient at transporting their market goods from place to place, often using two suspended food baskets
The Old Town has retained its traditional, narrow buildings, and visitors have to be prepared to face the traffic in the local style
On a mission: Valtr travelled to the Vietnamese capital in February 2016 and set about exploring the bustling capital
Loaded up: In Hanoi seeing motorbikes laden with people and shopping is an everyday sight
The busy city of Hanoi surrounds the infamous, serene Hoàn Kiếm Lake, which is one of the most popular scenic spots in the capital
The bustling city has a few areas of tranquillity, but the honks of scooters and bikes are rarely far away
Traders sit along the side of the street with their wares on tiny plastic chairs. It is traditional for customers to pull up a chair and eat alongside the sellers
The locals balance their market goods on every inch of their bicycles, to transport them along the streets to sell during the day
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