超可愛!!15張證明海豹就像狗狗的照片 / 15 photos that prove seals are just like dogs

On first sight, you’d think that dogs and seals simply can’t have too much in common. Unlike seals, dogs have four legs and a tail. Also, dogs definitely are more accustomed to moving across dry land. Wolves, foxes — even cats — surely, those animals are dogs’ closest relatives?! Well, think again! Here is a collection of photos that aims to prove dogs and seals might well be long-lost evolutionary brothers! After all, aren’t seals also called ’sea dogs’? Are these similarities self-evident? You decide!
或許第一眼你會覺得海豹跟狗狗不會有太多共通點,狗狗有四隻腳和尾巴... 但是看完這15張照片後,你就會認為狗狗跟海豹可能是失散多年的進化兄弟吧...

文章取自 brightside  (如有不妥或侵權,請來信反應,我們會盡速處理與撤除)