
她在日本雨季按下快門,照片看來宛如名師畫作!/ Japanese Photographer Takes Stunning Photos of Japan During the Rainy Season

彷彿置身於另一座神秘星球,10處位於冰島此生必去的絕美景點 / Dream Destination:10 PLACES YOU HAVE TO GO IN ICELAND

假如我們最愛的卡通要翻拍成真實版電影時,這些可愛的動物將會成為主角 / If our favorite cartoons became live action movies, these adorable animals would play the main characters

拯救北極!世界著名鋼琴家漂浮北極冰洋上,以優美演奏對全球發出終極呼籲! / Ludovico Einaudi Performs ‘Elegy for the Arctic’ On An Iceberg For Greenpeace

他們將133個舊洗衣機桶轉變成絕美藝術 / they Turned 133 Old Washing Machine Drums Into Street Lamps