拯救北極!世界著名鋼琴家漂浮北極冰洋上,以優美演奏對全球發出終極呼籲! / Ludovico Einaudi Performs ‘Elegy for the Arctic’ On An Iceberg For Greenpeace

Chester Music’s Ludovico Einaudi has teamed up with Greenpeace in a campaign to save the Arctic. Two weeks ago the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise set off from the Netherlands carrying the voices of eight million people – messages from around the globe calling for governments to save the Arctic from threats such as oil drilling and destructive fishing. Inspired by this petition and in support of its cause, Einaudi has composed a new piano piece Elegy for the Arctic which was performed and recorded for the first time by the composer at the Arctic atop a 2.6 x 10 metre, 2 tonne artificial iceberg. Einaudi, who joined the expedition at Svalbard, Norway, said:
‘Being here has been a great experience. I could see the purity and fragility of this area with my own eyes and interpret a song I wrote to be played upon the best stage in the world. It is important that we understand the importance of the Arctic, stop the process of destruction and protect it.’
Speaking on board the Arctic Sunrise, Greenpeace Spain Arctic campaigner, Elvira Jimenez, said:
‘Despite nearly eight million people calling for a Sanctuary in the Arctic, Greenpeace Spain is very concerned that the OSPAR Commission will bow to pressure from Norway, Denmark and Iceland. These three countries are opposed to the only Convention with the power to recognise the Arctic’s environmental value by protecting a part of international Arctic waters.’
北極熊和獨角鯨最近享受了一場難得的音樂饗宴。世界著名鋼琴家兼作曲家 Ludovico Einaudi 以北極的冰雪為背景,演出一場鋼琴演奏會。他將一架宏偉的鋼琴擺放在漂浮的木筏上,以悅耳的和絃伴奏著來自世界各地 800 萬人的呼聲,籲請各國政府即時伸出援手拯救北極。
「我可以透過自己的眼睛,看到這個地區的純淨和脆弱性,同時在這個世界最好的舞臺上闡釋一首自己創作的曲子。」Einaudi 說:「最重要的是,我們必須瞭解北極的重要性,停止破壞過程,並盡力去保護它。」來自全球籲請即時保護這片冰凍之地的呼聲已經高漲,如果你有興趣為北極發聲,可以點擊這個請願書連結。
以下就來聽聽 Einaudi 令人難以置信的北極演奏會~