《2016 年野生動物攝影比賽》, 10 張入圍決賽照片保證讓你驚豔到家! / 2016 wildlife photographer of the year finalists - in pictures
第 52 屆「年度最佳野生動物攝影師」比賽結果即將出爐!主辦單位先行公布了 10 張進入決選的照片,各種令人驚異的畫面,引起全球攝影愛好者們狂讚!這項比賽始於 1965 年,當時大約有 500 張照片參賽。經過 50 年後,這項比賽吸引來自 95 個國家約 5 萬名專業和業餘愛好人士熱烈響應。評審依作品的原創性、創意及技術卓越度分別評分,系列作品將在 10 月 21 日起在倫敦自然歷史博物館展出。以下就來先睹為快!
#1 漁人與獵物交鋒中 ─ Audun Rikardsen ,挪威
Splitting the catch by Audun Rikardsen (Norway)
Sometimes it’s the fishing boats that look for the killer whales and humpbacks, hoping to locate the shoals of herring that migrate to these Arctic Norwegian waters. But in recent winters, the whales have also started to follow the boats. Here a large male killer whale feeds on herring that have been squeezed out of the boat’s closing fishing net. He has learnt the sound that this type of boat makes when it retrieves its gear and homed in on it. The relationship would seem to be a win-win one, but not always
Photograph: Audun Rikardsen/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
#2 星空起舞 ─ Imre Potyó ,匈牙利
在星光燦爛的天空下,捕捉到的蜉蝣畫面。每年只有幾天,從 7 月底或 8 月初開始,大量的成年昆蟲出現在多瑙河支流尋找交配對象。
Swarming under the stars
by Imre Potyó (Hungary)Imre was captivated by the chaotic swarming of mayflies on Hungary’s River Rába and dreamt of photographing the spectacle beneath a starlit sky. For a few days each year (at the end of July or beginning of August), vast numbers of the adult insects emerge from the Danube tributary, where they developed as larvae. On this occasion, the insects emerged just after sunset. At first, they stayed close to the water, but once they had mated, the females gained altitude. Winners will be announced on 18 October.
Photograph: Imre Potyó/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
#3 好管閒事的鄰居 ─ Sam Hobson ,英國
在一個夏天的夜晚,攝影師藏身英國著名的狐狸城市 Bristol ,快門下一隻正在偷窺人類鄰居的紅狐狸,萌像被攝入鏡頭裡。
Nosy neighbour by Sam Hobson (UK)
Sam knew exactly who to expect when he set his camera on the wall one summer’s evening in a suburban street in Bristol, the UK’s famous fox city. He wanted to capture the inquisitive nature of the urban red fox in a way that would pique the curiosity of its human neighbours about the wildlife around them
Photograph: Sam Hobson/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
#4 消失的魚群 ─ Iago Leonardo ,西班牙
The disappearing fish by Iago Leonardo (Spain)
In the open ocean, there’s nowhere to hide, but the lookdown fish – a name it probably gets from the steep profile of its head, with mouth set low and large eyes high – is a master of camouflage. Recent research suggests that it uses special platelets in its skin cells to reflect polarised light (light moving in a single plane), making itself almost invisible to predators and potential prey. The platelets scatter polarised light depending on the angle of the sun and the fish, doing a better job than simply reflecting it like a mirror.
Photograph: Iago Leonardo/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
#5 玩著穿山甲 ─ Lance Van de Vyver ,紐西蘭/南非
Playing pangolin by Lance van de Vyver (New Zealand/South Africa)
Lance had tracked the pride for several hours before they stopped to rest by a waterhole, but their attention was not on drinking. The lions in South Africa’s Tswalu Kalahari Private Game reserve had discovered a Temminck’s ground pangolin. This nocturnal, ant-eating mammal is armour-plated with scales made of fused hair, and it curls up into an almost impregnable ball when threatened
Photograph: Lance van de Vyver/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
#6 空降鳥嘴的白蟻 ─ Willem Kruger ,南非
Termite tossing by Willem Kruger (South Africa)
Termite after termite after termite – using the tip of its massive beak-like forceps to pick them up, the hornbill would flick them in the air and then swallow them. Foraging beside a track in South Africa’s semi-arid Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, the southern yellow-billed hornbill was so deeply absorbed in termite snacking that it gradually worked its way to within 6 metres (19ft) of where Willem sat watching from his vehicle.
Photograph: Willem Kruger/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
#7 水晶般精準 ─ Mario Cea ,西班牙
每天晚上日落後不久,約有 30 隻伏翼蝙蝠從西班牙 Salamanca 的棲息地起飛去打獵。每個晚上每隻都會吃掉多達 3 千隻昆蟲,胃口相當不錯。
Crystal precision by Mario Cea (Spain)
Every night, not long after sunset, about 30 common pipistrelle bats emerge from their roost in a derelict house in Salamanca, Spain, to go hunting. Each has an appetite for up to 3,000 insects a night, which it eats on the wing. Its flight is characteristically fast and jerky, as it tunes its orientation with echolocation to detect objects in the dark
Photograph: Mario Cea Sanchez/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
#8 熔岩爆發 ─ Alexandre Hec ,法國
來自夏威夷大島基拉韋亞的熔岩週期性地流入海洋,景象相當壯觀,吸引攝影師冒險取鏡。基拉韋亞(意思是“噴湧”或“大散播”)是世界上最活躍的火山之一, 1983 年來就不斷噴發,高達攝氏 1,000 度以上的熾熱熔岩流入大海,激起巨大的羽狀蒸汽和嘶嘶聲,冷凝後產生鹹性及酸性的霧和雨。
Blast furnace by Alexandre Hec (France)
When the lava flow from Kilauea on Hawaii’s Big Island periodically enters the ocean, the sight is spectacular, but on this occasion Alexandre was in for a special treat. Kilauea (meaning ‘spewing’ or ‘much spreading’) is one of the world’s most active volcanoes, in constant eruption since 1983. As red-hot lava at more than 1,000˚C (1,832˚F) flows into the sea, vast plumes of steam hiss up, condensing to produce salty, acidic mist or rain.
Photograph: Alexandre Hec/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
#9 集體求愛 ─ Scott Portelli ,澳洲
每年冬天,成千上萬的巨型墨魚都會聚集到南澳 Upper Spencer 海灣的淺水域,來進行交配產卵。雄性會以改變膚色、紋理和圖案來吸引雌性。由於雄性和雌性比例懸殊,約為 11:1 ,造成競爭空前激烈的場面。
Collective courtship by Scott Portelli (Australia)
Thousands of giant cuttlefish gather each winter in the shallow waters of South Australia’s Upper Spencer Gulf for their once-in-a-lifetime spawning. Males compete for territories that have the best crevices for egg‐laying and then attract females with mesmerising displays of changing skin colour, texture and pattern. Rivalry among the world’s largest cuttlefish – up to a metre (3.3ft) long – is fierce, as males outnumber females by up to 11 to one.
Photograph: Scott Portelli/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
#10 採薊者 ─ Isaac Aylward ,英國
Thistle-plucker by Isaac Aylward (UK)
Isaac composed this alpine-meadow tableau with the sea of soft purple knapweed behind, accentuating the clashing red of the linnet’s plumage. He was determined to keep pace with the linnet that he spotted while hiking in Bulgaria’s Rila Mountains, finally catching up with the tiny bird when it settled to feed on a thistle flowerhead. From the florets that were ripening, it pulled out the little seed parachutes one by one, deftly nipped off the seeds and discarded the feathery down
Photograph: Isaac Aylward/2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
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H/T: dailymail
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