Time to Go:給喜愛嘗試冒險的旅人,紐西蘭小鎮需要你熱血加入!/ Would you like to live in Kaitangata? Tiny New Zealand town with ‘too many jobs’ seeks new residents
Residents of Kaitangata, a small town on the South Island of New Zealand with a population of around 800, have launched a recruitment drive for new residents.
Local businesses and town authorities have teamed up to offer employment and home-buying packages on extremely favourable terms. They’re hoping city-dwelling New Zealanders may be tempted to up sticks and start a new life in the Clutha district, where there are estimated to be more than 1,000 job vacancies waiting to be filled.
來自南半球的國家 New Zealand 紐西蘭正在熱情邀約所有人的加入。美麗的自然風景與乾淨的生活環境,紐西蘭時常被許多人列為心目中退休養老的優良居住地,然而不用等到年老,當地政府便開出優渥生活條件與機能,誠摯歡迎全球外籍人士一起移民到這,體驗最原始的生活方式。
紐西蘭南島小鎮 – Kaitangata

According to local mayor Bryan Cadogen there are "hundreds and hundreds of jobs, real good paying jobs that give a person a chance," at employers including sawmills, cheese and milk formula factories.
Kaitangata dairy farmer Evan Dick, a leading light in the town’s recruitment drive, said: “The housing crisis in New Zealand has made the Kiwi dream unattainable for many people, but in Kaitangata the Kiwi dream is still a reality.”
“This is an old-fashioned community, we don’t lock our houses, we let kids run free. We have jobs, we have houses, but we don’t have people. We want to make this town vibrant again, we are waiting with open arms.”
House and land packages are on offer for NZ$230,000.

Mr Cadogen told The Guardian: "When I was unemployed and had a family to feed, Clutha gave me a chance, and now we want to offer that opportunity to other Kiwi families who might be struggling,"
"We have got youth unemployment down to two. Not 2% - just two unemployed young people.
"I despair over the way many Kiwi families are forced to live these days.
"So many of the things Kiwis value, such as owning your own home and providing for your family, have become an impossible dream. For a lot of people in New Zealand life is just an endless slog. And that really saddens me."

截至目前為止,鎮長已經收到全球超過萬人以上的詢問,包括:敘利亞、波蘭、美國…等國家,此外近期因脫離歐盟而導致經濟嚴重下滑的英國,也讓不少英國人決定加入這次 Kaitangata 移民的計畫。揮別過去給人需要龐大資金才能移民的既定印象,只要抱持著一顆喜愛大自然的心,你也可能成為下一位 Kaitangata 的鎮上居民。

Photo:@newzealandvacations Instagram, Kaitangata. CREDIT: GOOGLE MAPS
by Adam Boult
Local businesses and town authorities have teamed up to offer employment and home-buying packages on extremely favourable terms. They’re hoping city-dwelling New Zealanders may be tempted to up sticks and start a new life in the Clutha district, where there are estimated to be more than 1,000 job vacancies waiting to be filled.
來自南半球的國家 New Zealand 紐西蘭正在熱情邀約所有人的加入。美麗的自然風景與乾淨的生活環境,紐西蘭時常被許多人列為心目中退休養老的優良居住地,然而不用等到年老,當地政府便開出優渥生活條件與機能,誠摯歡迎全球外籍人士一起移民到這,體驗最原始的生活方式。
來自紐西蘭的小鎮 Kaitangata,長期以來面臨人力短缺的問題,在當地有太多便宜的房子沒人入住;太多優渥的工作沒人應徵,為了重新振興當地的產業,居民決定大規模邀請輕壯年的熱血加入。鎮長 Bryan Cadogen 表示:「這裡工資高、福利好,充滿機遇。我們有工作,又可以負擔的房屋,生活過得十分美好。」800 位居民,超過 1000 個職位空缺!

According to local mayor Bryan Cadogen there are "hundreds and hundreds of jobs, real good paying jobs that give a person a chance," at employers including sawmills, cheese and milk formula factories.
Kaitangata dairy farmer Evan Dick, a leading light in the town’s recruitment drive, said: “The housing crisis in New Zealand has made the Kiwi dream unattainable for many people, but in Kaitangata the Kiwi dream is still a reality.”
“This is an old-fashioned community, we don’t lock our houses, we let kids run free. We have jobs, we have houses, but we don’t have people. We want to make this town vibrant again, we are waiting with open arms.”
House and land packages are on offer for NZ$230,000.
Kaitangata 的職缺多為農業,還包括:煤礦、鋸木廠、乳製品加工廠以及醫護…等各種職業空缺。當地為了填補勞動力,也推出低價購屋的優惠政策,鎮長 Bryan Cadogen 表示:「當我面臨失業的壓力時,是 Kaitangata 給我翻身的機會。現在我希望提供這個機會給其他面臨沉重壓力的人。」他接著說道:「我們的青年失業率只有 2,不是 2%,而是兩個人!」
年薪 5 萬,房價 23 萬紐元!
Mr Cadogen told The Guardian: "When I was unemployed and had a family to feed, Clutha gave me a chance, and now we want to offer that opportunity to other Kiwi families who might be struggling,"
"We have got youth unemployment down to two. Not 2% - just two unemployed young people.
"I despair over the way many Kiwi families are forced to live these days.
"So many of the things Kiwis value, such as owning your own home and providing for your family, have become an impossible dream. For a lot of people in New Zealand life is just an endless slog. And that really saddens me."
儘管紐西蘭的房價於去年平均上漲 12.4%,來到 57 萬紐元左右,但在 Kaitangata 的招工制度下,房價卻壓在 23 萬紐元左右。此外,當地工作的起薪也從每年 5 萬紐元起跳,如此優良的條件,當一開放外籍人士移民時,便吸引眾多人的詢問,鎮長 Bryan 當天就收到數以千計的簡訊,讓他十分驚訝:「小鎮出了名,我有點手足無措,不知道要如何應付。」

截至目前為止,鎮長已經收到全球超過萬人以上的詢問,包括:敘利亞、波蘭、美國…等國家,此外近期因脫離歐盟而導致經濟嚴重下滑的英國,也讓不少英國人決定加入這次 Kaitangata 移民的計畫。揮別過去給人需要龐大資金才能移民的既定印象,只要抱持著一顆喜愛大自然的心,你也可能成為下一位 Kaitangata 的鎮上居民。
Photo:@newzealandvacations Instagram, Kaitangata. CREDIT: GOOGLE MAPS
by Adam Boult