【皮革製品的背後】當他們打開美美的皮件,一看就都嚇得倒退三步!/ Behind The Leather: PETA Surprises Shoppers With Fake Leather Accessories
亞洲善待動物組織 PETA 和奧美廣告在曼谷一座最時尚的購物中心開了一家假店面,他們把外觀很正常的皮製奢侈品放在展示台上。但它們的內裡,卻隱藏了非常可怕的秘密!
Some people tend to turn a blind eye to animal suffering when it comes to buying leather goods. Ogilvy & Mather Advertising Bangkok and PETA Asia teamed up to change this attitude. They opened a fake pop-up shop in one of Bangkok’s most trendy shopping malls and put seemingly ordinary luxury leather goods on display. However, they had a terrifying secret inside.
The inside of the bags, shoes, wallets, and other items was the ultimate definition of gore. “Shoppers were shocked when they opened a bag or unzipped a jacket to reveal a beating heart or pulsating intestines,” PETA’s Ashley Fruno told us. “This is a provocative way to confront consumers with the cruelty behind every exotics skin bag, belt, jacket or pair of shoes.”
More info: petaasia.com
PETA Asia and Ogilvy created a fake pop-up shop in one of Bangkok’s most trendy shopping malls

Unsuspecting shoppers jumped back in horror, gasping for breath

Leather purses, jackets, and even gloves were filled with fake animal flesh and blood

“Every year, at least 440,000 pythons are caught in the jungles of Southeast Asia”
主辦方表示,每年在東南亞的叢林裡,至少有 44 萬條蟒蛇被捕捉走。

They’re cruelly decapitated
Sometimes they’re even skinned alive…
Just to become a trendy item…
“An average handbag requires the slaughter of not one, but four crocodiles”
Does this really have to be the price to pay for yet another bag?
Watch how shoppers reacted to these bloody accessories here:
文章取自boredpanda fashionwaltz(如有不妥或侵權,請來信反應,我們會盡速處理與撤除)