20張「如果看懂了會覺得這個世界超不公平」的黑暗插畫 / You’ll question the world around you once you’ve seen these pictures

 What does it mean to be an individual? What is society? And where are we going? Paweł Kuczyński, a famous cartoonist from Poland, poses these and many other questions in his work.
His fascinating illustrations have garnered significant popularity for their highly topical subject matter; it's said that they often reflect the very essence of what's going on around us in the modern world. 
Kuczyński, moreover, has his own unique style of drawing which is quite unlike that of any other artist. He explains that he always thinks through the idea for every illustration very carefully, trying to endow each one with as much meaning as he can express.
We put together a selection of 20 of Kuczyński's best drawings. Their combination of subtle humour and thought-provoking ideas throw up a whole number of uncomfortable questions about the nature of the world we live in.

《雙重標準》Double standards.




《一場婚禮》A wedding.

《一位鋼琴家》A pianist.

《獨裁者》The dictator.

《貨幣的本質》The essence of money.




《不同的童年》Different childhoods.

《和平鴿》The dove of peace.





《政治上的正確》Political correctness.

《社會鴻溝》The social divide.

《上流社會》High society.

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