這男子在瑞士山區迷途,『神貓救難員』挺身而出! / This Cat Guided A Lost Man Down A Mountain In Switzerland

你以為只有狗狗可以充當救難隊員嗎?事實上,喵星人絲毫不遜色喔!最近一名 Reddit 上名叫 sc4s2cg 的用戶在瑞士山區徒步旅行時,不小心失去了方向,走著走著,居然迷失到一個廢棄的城鎮裡。他查了地圖,發現唯一可以回到旅館的路徑竟被關閉了。正在徬徨無措時,一隻小貓出現了!趕快來看看這個驚人的故事~
 One cat is determined to prove that it’s not only dogs that can work as rescue animals.
Redditor sc4s2cg claims he got lost in Switzerland while hiking and eventually ended up in an abandoned town. “I was checking my map to see how I can get back to the hostel, and the only official way down was through a trail that was closed,” he said. Right at that moment a kitty showed up and guided the man to the valley, constantly looking back to check if the tourist was following it.
After sc4s2cg shared his story, others responded about also meeting the same cat in the region (and they even had photos to prove it). Looks like this Swiss guide kitty is taking his duties seriously!
More info: reddit.com (h/t: lovemeow)


Meet a kitty that helped a guy who got lost in an empty town while hiking



The only trail to his hostel was closed for off season


But a cat showed up to lead him – “she started guiding me along some path”



“She was walking and kept looking at me to follow”


Once he found the way home, they parted ways at the bottom of the mountain

sc4s2cg 在網頁上分享他的故事之後,別的網友也紛紛回應,他們也在同一地區遇到過這隻喵兒現身相助,有些人甚至還提供照片為證。看來這隻瑞士貓兒已把山區救難當作自身的任務,非常克盡職責地執行勤務呢!一起來看看被救男子沿路拍下來的短片,同時也趕快分享給喵友們喔~

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