你從沒看過的,最白的極簡抽象派酒店 / The Most White Minimalist Hotel You Will Ever See

The Mar Adentro Hotel in San José del Cabo, Mexico, is probably the most white minimalist hotel you’ll ever see.
The hotel, designed by Mexican architect Miguel Ángel Aragonés, has 205-rooms that are a modern minimalist-lovers dream.
Let have a look around the hotel…
Mar Adentro Hotel 這間飯店位於墨西哥的聖荷西角 (San José del Cabo),這間飯店可能是你看過最白的極簡抽象派飯店。由墨西哥建築師 Miguel Ángel Aragonés所設計的,205間房間絕對是現代極簡主義愛好者的夢幻之地。
