厲害的自拍達「貓」 / This Selfie Taking Cat Takes Better Selfies Than You

這隻貓叫Manny,牠會自己按下照相機的快門,並且拍出非常成功的自拍照片。牠的主人把Manny的傑作上傳到 Instagram 與大家分享,讓這隻厲害的貓咪享有非常高的知名度。
Manny the cat loves to take selfies, or at least fondle GoPro cameras. According to Instagram user @yoremahm, Manny learned to use the camera by chance when it reached out to touch the camera during a shoot one day. Now, Manny’s selfies have become an Internet sensation.
“He is a stray, that is very intelligent, thinks he’s a dog, follows us on walks, and is very, very friendly to humans,” Yorem told us. As for what inspires him? “There is no spoon.”
More info: Instagram (h/t: lovemeow)



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