超萌!攝影師捕捉貪吃松鼠萌態瞬間 / Photographer Captures The Fun Side Of Ground Squirrels

Henrik Spranz is a German Nature Photographer living in Austria. He’s a software developer with a passion for landscape and macro photography, and it’s these latter images that have captured our attention.
Henrik takes colourful images of small rodents (like European ground squirrels) in their natural habitat and captures the innocent and sometimes funny life of the little creatures. Sharp images, beautiful bokeh, and adorable main objects make these pictures close to magical.
More info: Facebook | spranz.org | Instagram
奧地利維也納,野生動物攝影師Henrik Spranz和女友對可愛的小松鼠情有獨鍾,他們在維也納的牧草地上捕捉到了小松鼠們的各式“萌態”瞬間。這些“貪吃”的囓齒動物不僅爭相啃食罌粟花籽,還偷吃了攝影師隨身攜帶的麵包。
