法國藝術家把沉悶的城市建築,變成最迷人的街景 / French Artist Transforms Boring City Walls Into Vibrant Scenes Full Of Life

Imagine yourself coming back home from a long trip and… not being able to find it.
This might actually happen if you lived in one of the buildings that got touched by this talented French street artist Patrick Commecy. Together with his team, he creates huge murals of hyper-realistic facades that bring blank and boring city walls to life.


沒想到法國藝術家 Patrick Commecy 就這麼做到了!面對街上無趣、空無一物的大片建築外牆,Commecy 和其團隊用生動的色彩創造了一幅又一幅、逼真的像是真有人住在牆上的作品,更有趣的是,有些牆上的人物還是過去曾經住在該小鎮的知名人士,這樣的街道充滿生氣又別具紀念意義,相信改變的不僅僅是市容,也或多或少影響了當地居民們的日常感受。

Juliette et les esprits

Café de l’Aqueduc

La galerie V


Vive la récré

 La fée verte

Tableaux d’Eyzin-Pinet

Les guides de Chamonix

Le café des acteurs

La guinguette


 L’arbre aux oiseaux

 Roméo et Juliette

文章取自Patrick Commecy (如有不妥或侵權,請來信反應,我們會盡速處理與撤除)