從不同角度看14個熱門景點 / 14 famous views from a different angle

There are many wonderful places in the world that were created by humans. Although we all have the ability to take amazing photos and share them globally, most of these photos are taken from the same angle. We was curious about the way famous sights would appear if we looked at them with a fresh eye.


#1 Niagara Falls, United States & Canada

#2 The Pyramids, Egypt

#3 The Little Mermaid, Denmark

#4  Santorini, Greece

#5  Taj Mahal, India

#6  Mount Rushmore National Memorial, United States

#7 The Forbidden City, China

#8  The Brandenburg Gate, Germany

#9  Hollywood, United States

#10  The Acropolis of Athens, Greece

#11  Stonehenge, United Kingdom

#12 The Arc de Triomphe, France

#13  Sydney Opera House, Australia

#14 Sagrada Família, Spai

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