While traveling abroad, it’s hard not to notice the works of art created by talented modern sculptors out of simple stone and metal. To save you from flying across the world, we put together a list of the most creative sculptural masterpieces that brighten up our globe.
Force of Nature, Doha, Qatar
Lorenzo Quinn
This is a series of sculptures by Italian artist Lorenzo Quinn depicting Mother Nature as a woman hurling the planet around in circles. Slightly different versions of this piece have been installed all over the world: in England, US, Monaco, and Singapore.
《 自然力量》,位於卡達首都多哈,設計師是Lorenzo Quinn。 一名象徵自然之母的女子正托著象徵地球的球體甩動。 現在這一雕像的不同版本已經在摩納哥、美國、英國等地出現。
Poet Mihai Eminescu, Onesti, Romania
Mihai Eminescu is one of the most important poets of the Romanian language. He is cherished as an international literary success in both Romania and Moldova. This sculpture, dedicated to him, is especially beautiful at sunset or sunrise.
《 米哈伊·愛明內斯庫》 位於羅馬尼亞的奧內甚蒂。 米哈伊·愛明內斯庫是現代羅馬尼亞語的開創者之一,也是該國最偉大的詩人。 人們用這個雕像紀念他,讓他看到美麗的日出和日落。
Mustangs of Las Colinas, Irving, USA
Robert Glen
At one and a half times their real size, this sculpture portrays a group of wild mustangs galloping across a granite stream. The idea is to show the drive, initiative and unfettered lifestyle that were fundamental to the state of Texas in its pioneer days.
《野馬》位於美國德州,美國拉斯科利納斯Robert Glen作品,是世界上最大的馬雕像,象徵著德克薩斯州人自由的精神。
Expansion, USA
Page Bradley
This extraordinary sculpture is considered to be one of the highlights of modern art. The author, Page Bradley, says that "Expansion" is a result of her speculating about people’s questioning attitude towards sculptures depicting humans. It dares us to go beyond what we are. The sculpture is currently in a private collection in New York City, copies can be seen in London, UK and Palm Desert, California.
《擴張》,美國紐約女藝術家Paige Bradley作品,她這樣解釋雕塑的靈感,'從我們出生的一刻起,世界就好像為我們設定了一個剛好容納我們的空間:社會保險號碼、性別、種族甚至是智商的高低。 我覺得人生往往被這些東西所限定,而非由內在的自己所決定。 如果我們超越了這些框架,我們是否還能認識自己? 如果不被任何所限,我們是否還會存在? '
Black Hawk, New Hampshire, USA
John Lopez
John Lopez’s art is formed through creativity, talent, and a sprinkling of environmental awareness. His amazing ability to upcycle old metal into monolithic pieces is helping him to make a name for himself.
《黑鷹》位於美國新罕布什爾州,是John Lopez的得意之作,他透過這些藝術創作藉以喚醒眾人的環保意識,使用的材料都是廢棄的金屬。
The Anonymous Pedestrians, Wroclaw, Poland
Jerzy Kalina
Poland is a land that, without a doubt, has lived through a lot. These bronze statues represent the hordes of people who disappeared ("went underground") in the middle of the night after the imposition of martial law in Poland on December 13, 1981.
《 無名的路人》, 位於波蘭弗羅茨瓦夫,設計者是Jerzy Kalina。 波蘭這個國家經歷過許多動盪,1981年政府實施戒嚴,展開政治迫害。 這座雕像代表了轉入地下繼續抗爭的人。
Hippopotamus, Taipei, Taiwan
The sculpture at the Taipei Zoo is a creative reminder of how important it is to protect our wildlife.
《 河馬》位於台灣台北動物園, 在台北市立動物園的河馬雕像提醒著我們要保護野生動物。
The Shoes on the Danube Bank, Budapest, Hungary
Can Togay and Gyala Pauer
Sixty pairs of rusted vintage shoes cast out of iron became a living memorial to the Hungarian Jews. Different sizes and styles reflect how nobody was spared from the brutality of the Arrow Cross militia in the winter of 1944-1945. The sculpture was installed in 2005.
《多瑙河畔的鞋》位於匈牙利布達佩斯。 1944年至1945年間,匈牙利約有60萬猶太人被殺害。 雕塑家鮑烏埃爾·久洛按照死難者的遺物澆注製作了60雙不同的鐵鞋,固定放置於當年發生屠殺的地點之一。 鍊子橋和馬格麗特橋之間的多瑙河堤岸。 附近地面上還有三塊鐵鑄標牌,上面分別用英語、匈牙利和希伯來語寫著:'紀念1944-1945年間被箭十字武裝份子屠殺並拋入多瑙河的死難者。 '
Freedom, Philadelphia, USA
Zenos Frudakis
Bronze artwork of Zenos Frudakis shows a person breaking free from a grey mass of anonymous bodies. According to the artist, it’s about "the struggle for achievement of freedom through the creative process".
《自由》位於美國費城,雕塑家Zenos Frudakis作品。 我們都要掙脫種種束縛,讓心靈自由飛翔。
The First Generation, Singapore
Chong Fah Cheong
“The First Generation“ is a part of a series of statues entitled ”People of the River", depicting various scenes from Singapore’s history.
《河邊的人》位於新加坡,五個赤裸男孩雕像,好像要跳入河中游泳,這是第一代到新加坡移民的孩子常做的體育活動。 新加坡雕塑家Chong Fah Cheong的作品。
Chair for 1000 Jews, Krakow, Poland
The sculptural composition features 33 iron chairs on the site of the former ghetto and 37 chairs standing on the edge of the square and at tram stops. The theme of empty chairs suggests that anyone can be a victim. It also speaks to the history of ghetto, when all the furniture from Jewish homes was being brought outside so that people wouldn’t be able to hide their kids.
《 1000張猶太人的椅子》,位於波蘭克拉科夫。 33個鐵製椅子位於早前的貧民窟前。 沒有人坐的椅子說明任何人都可能是受害者,它代表了貧民窟的歷史。 猶太家庭的傢俱都被搬到室外,讓他們無處藏匿自己的孩子。
Salmon Sculpture, Portland, USA
Keith Jellum
This metal salmon of considerable size seemingly swims through a building on Salmon St. in Portland, Oregon.
《 鮭魚》位於美國波特蘭,設計者是Keith Jellum。 它看起來就像一條鮭魚在建築物中游泳。
Lions on Guard, London, England
Kendra Haste
Created out of fine black wire, these lions, created by professional sculptor Kendra Haste, stand guard at the Tower of London.
《 獅子護衞》位於英國倫敦,設計者是Kendra Haste。 這座雕像是用鐵絲製作而成的,這些獅子就像倫敦塔的守衞,不知疲倦的站崗。
Maman Spider Sculpture, Tokyo, Japan
Louise Bourgeois
This bronze, stainless steel, and marble sculpture measuring over 30 ft high and over 33 ft wide was created in 1999 as a part of Louise Bourgeois’ inaugural commission for Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall.
“The Spider is an ode to my mother,“ says the sculptor, ”She was my best friend. Like a spider, my mother was a weaver. "
《馬曼 蜘蛛》位於日本東京,設計者是Louise Bourgeois。 這座由大理石、不銹鋼和銅製作而成的雕像 有30英尺高,設計者是根據媽媽曾經唱過的童謠製作的,她的媽媽是織工,與蜘蛛有共同之處。
The Kelpies, Scotland
Andy Scott
This truly gargantuan project took nearly 7 years to develop. 100 ft high horse-head sculptures were inspired by the tradition of working horses in Scotland which once pulled the wagons, ploughs, barges and coalships where The Kelpies now stand.
《Kelpies》 位於蘇格蘭愛丁堡,設計者是Andy Scott。 這座雕像花費7年時間才完成,馬頭足足有100英尺高,靈感來自於蘇格蘭的傳統神話。
The Road of Freedom, Vilnius, Lithuania
Tadas Gutauskas
"The Road of Freedom" commemorates the twenty years of restoration of the Statehood of Lithuania. Its goal is to remind people of the ideas of unity and freedom.
《 自由之路》位於立陶宛,設計者是Tadas Gutauskas。 這是為了立陶宛建國20週年建成的,目的是為了提醒人們不要忘了自由思想。
Out of Order, Kingston upon Thames, UK
David Match
Also known as "Tumbling Telephones", this sculpture involves twelve classic K6 red telephone boxes. They are gradually falling, much like huge domino pieces, representing the end of an era when phone boxes were used instead of mobile phones.
《 電話亭們》位於英國泰晤士河畔金斯頓,設計者是David Match。 這個雕像包括12個電話亭,代表手機出現後電話亭時代的終結。
Famine, Dublin, Ireland
Rowan Gillespie
These statues commemorate The Great Famine of the mid 19th century, which had a profound effect on the country’s history. During the famine, the island’s population fell by 20%-25% due to mass deaths and emigration.
《 飢荒》位於愛爾蘭都柏林,設計者是Rowan Gillespie。 這是為了紀念19世紀中期的大饑荒,當時愛爾蘭人口下降了20%,無數人被迫遠離家鄉。
Pair of Dragons in Love, Varna, Bulgaria
Darin Lazarov
The author of the monument, sculptor Darin Lazarov, says he created this fairy-tale composition to please local kids — there’s a pool nearby where they train.
《 龍的愛戀》位於保加利亞,設計者是Darin Lazarov。 雕塑家從童話故事中受到啟發,這才完成了這座雕像。