
太可怕啦!這座 4,600 英尺高的天空玻璃步道,保證讓你一看就暈眩啦!/ Terrifying 4,600ft Glass Walkway Opens In China, And Just Looking At The Pics Will Give You Vertigo

海洋酸化 南極磷蝦餓肚子 研究:食物鏈恐全面瓦解 / Acid Oceans Killing Antarctic Food Web

俄羅斯蚊子節,被叮越多越好 / At the Russian Mosquito Festival, the more bites the better

美國將取締傷害魚類的海洋噪音 / U.S. to crack down on ocean noise that harms fish

中國貴州洞穴中竟有學校和籃球場! / This Giant Cave In China Has 100 People Living Inside, A Basketball Court And Even Had A School

讓你家貓咪更健康:藏好貓食 / A Healthier Way to Feed Your Cat: Hide Its Meals

豆類食物或許能幫你減重 / Eating legumes may aid in weight loss