“消失”在城市裡的電車 / Street Artist Makes Trolleybus ‘Disappear’ In Vilnius

Trolleybuses have become a rare sight in most contemporary cities, but Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, still has a running fleet that adds a lot of character to the cityscape. Inspired by the slow electrical buzz and white and red aesthetics, for a 4th edition Vilnius Street Art festival curatorial team in collaboration with Studio Vieta have invited an artist Liudas Parulskis to create an artwork for trolleybuses.
Liudas Parulskis digests the city. Mostly his hometown – Vilnius, the crossroads of different cultures and religions. Wilno, the cradle of Adam Mickewicz’s poems and Vilna, the Jerusalem of Lithuania still speaks many languages and reveals stories inscribed in architectural cityscape. From the old days, Vilnius is a source of inspiration and the object of work for many painters and photographers.
The current view of the town is built of dozens of cultural layers and subjective visions left in the memory. Liudas Parulskis artwork breaks the normality, it shocks and surprises his audience by offering an unexpected point of view to the reality. “Vanishing Trolleybus” has a picture of the perspective of the street printed on both of its sides and once a day while crossing Tumo Vaizganto street and Gediminas Avenue intersection it “disappears” by camouflaging itself into the landscape. Liudas Parulskis has also added a wolf crossing the road. A wolf is a spiritual animal of Vilnius since its founding days more than a thousand years ago. The audience is invited to observe and catch the trolleybus at its vanishing point and capture the moment.
More info: Studio Vieta | Studio Vieta Instagram | Vilnius Street Art Instagram
受創意定點工作室vieta的邀請,liudas parulskis參加了在立陶宛舉辦的第四屆維爾紐斯街頭藝術節,在城市的無軌電車上進行藝術創作。儘管在大多數當代城市裡,無軌電車的應用已經越來越 少,但在維爾紐斯-立陶宛的首都-這種交通方式被保留了下來,為城市風景也增添了一絲情趣。
眾所周知無軌電車已經慢慢的淡出了大眾的視野,但在立陶宛的首都維爾紐斯,還是有一支持續運行的無軌電車隊,你可不要小看它們。這個可是由Liudas Parulskis創建無軌電車藝術品。
維爾紐斯是Liudas Parulskis的家鄉,這裡是一個多元文化的大熔爐,也是當地詩歌和多種藝術啟蒙的搖籃,立陶宛的耶路撒冷還是一個多語種的地區,這些差異與多元化也表現在了當地的建築風格上。維爾紐斯一直是許多畫家和攝影師的靈感的源泉。
這次Liudas Parulskis作品打破了常態,運用了更具有視覺衝擊力的設計方案- “消失的無軌電車”。在車上印有在其兩側的街道的圖片,並且一天更新一次,觀眾被邀請觀察和捕捉無軌電車在它的消失點和捕捉瞬間。

This ‘vanishing’ trolleybus shows a wolf, which is a spiritual animal of Vilnius, crossing the street

This is a place where all the magic started

The trolleybus got lifted to prepare it for the transformation

And then the wrapping began

An image with the perspective of the street has been printed on both sides of the vehicle

The trolleybus ‘disappears’ while crossing Gediminas Avenue by camouflaging itself into the urban landscape

Image credits: Tautvydas Stukas

iudas parulskis運用他的裝置作品“消失的無軌電車”,在維爾紐斯的街頭形成了一種視錯覺景象。電車的兩側被印上了街道的透視圖,每天當電車穿過 tumo vaizganto大街和gediminas prospect十字路口的時候,它都會在街道上“消失”一次,因為車身上的圖案和真實的城市景觀融為了一體。parulskis在車身上加了一隻正在過 馬路的狼,狼是維爾紐斯的圖騰,自從這座城市成立1000多年以來一直是這樣。該作品是專為維爾紐斯街頭藝術節而製作的,由liudas parulskis和vieta工作室合作完成,它讓行人們去關注正在消失的有軌電車,並用相機拍下了一些特殊的時刻。

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