100 歲的古董級經典劇院,轉變成驚豔全球的書局 / 100-Year-Old Theatre Converted Into Stunning Bookstore

Tucked away in Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires is a beautiful bookshop called El Ateneo Grand Splendid. It is built within the almost 100-year-old Grand Splendid Theater, which opened in 1919. The theatre was later converted into a cinema and eventually, in 2000, it was converted into the El Ateneo Grand Splendid bookshop, which currently welcomes over one million visitors each year.
The stunning building was originally designed by architects Peró and Torres Armengol, then later converted from a cinema into a bookshop by architectFernando Manzone, who retained many parts of the theatre, including the stage, the balconies, the incredible architectural details and even the red curtains. In 2008 El Ateneo Grand Splendid was named the second most beautiful bookshop in the world by The Guardian, and that’s no surprise considering it’s elaborate décor and classic 1920’s theater feel.
座落在阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯的 Barrio Norte ,有一座美到極點的書店,名字叫作 El Ateneo Grand Spendid ,中文譯為「雅典人書店」。
它原本是座將近 100 年前所建的古老大劇院,在 1919 年開幕。劇院後來被改造為一家電影院,在 2000 年又被改為現在的書店。絕美的裝潢設計,每年迎來超過 100 萬名遊客前來朝勝。
這麼令人驚豔的建築,最初是由 Peró 和 Torres Armengol 所設計,後來又由建築師 Fernando Manzone 將它由電影院變身為書店。
2008 年,雅典人書店被評選為世界最美的書店第二名。這項殊榮可謂實至名歸,看看它精心的設計,以及呈現出來 1920 年代經典雅致的劇院氛圍,都讓觀光客大感不虛此行。如果你喜愛古典建築和裝潢設計,又或者你骨子裡就是名書蟲,這座罕見的書店就是你可以納入旅遊清單的據點。

Image credits: Ryan Poole


Image credits: Nan Palmero

Image credits: Violinha

Image credits: inha.fr


Image credits: Alamy

Image credits: Céline
Image credits: Jorge Láscar

Image credits: Stanley Wood

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