為你的植物量身打造的12個創意環保花盆 / 12 creative alternatives to ordinary pots for your plants

Plants and flowers in pots are always magical interior or garden decorations, especially if the pots are unusual and creative.

A guitar  吉他

An old guitar can become a cozy home for your plant. This idea would be especially great for creeping plants. Add a creative touch to your interior!

Books  書籍

Here’s how you can give a second life to an old book. It will look like a living fairy tale on your desk.

Knitted pots  針織布

Knitted soft pots will add comfort and warmth to your room.

Felted pots  毛氈

Felted pots look incredibly cute — I want to cuddle them!

Stones  石頭

Plants arranged in rocks look very unusual and natural.

Bricks  磚塊

You can also decorate a plain brick wall with beautiful flowers and plants.

Baskets and suitcases  籃子或行李箱

Place your plants in suitcases and baskets to make cute chests filled with green treasure.

Coconut shells  椰子殼

Even a coconut shell can become a nice decoration for your garden or balcony.

Jeans  牛仔褲

Plants dressed in worn jeans will lift up your mood every time you look at them.

Paper bags  紙

Wouldn’t you agree that bright flowers in paper bags look incredibly cute and gentle?

Trees  樹木

You can make interesting flowerpots with tree trunks. Moreover, plants usually feel great growing in them.

Seashells  貝殼

If you have large seashells, you can use them as charming houses for your tiny plants.
Without any doubt, these original pots will add a unique charm to your home. Moreover, all guests will definitely compliment your creativity. We hope our collection will inspire you to bring your own ideas to life. Just use a little imagination!

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